Bringing Rainwater Harvesting to Schools

Bringing Rainwater Harvesting to Schools

Over the past few months we have been collaborating with Waipā District Council to bring rainwater harvesting tanks to schools in the Waipā region who were interested in rainwater harvesting for their school.

We love this initiative, it is great to see a Council living by its values and as this sits close to our heart we were excited to get on board. The Council approached local schools to gauge interest. Those schools that were interested have been sponsored a tank by Waipā District Council and Designer Tanks.

Later this year the plan is for some workshops to be run at the schools to show students and whanau how they work with their gardens.

If you are interested in rainwater harvesting for your school, please reach out as we offer some great packages to get you started on your journey.

Ingrid has spent some time, between lockdowns, to deliver the tanks to some of our schools. Below are some great photos of the kids with their new tank.

Wharepapa South School

Horahora School

"Do small things with great love" - Mother Theresa

Ngā mihi nui

Chloe & Ingrid


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