Our Story

Designer Tanks is the result of Chloe and Ingrid embarking on their very own GOAM – Girls On A Mission!!

In May 2018, Chloe went on an Outward Bound Course and after an overnight mission, was talking to one of the instructors about sustainability. He said he did not want to explain to future generations why we use our precious drinking water to flush our toilets, wash our clothes and water our gardens. This struck a deep chord with Chloe. She went away mulling over the importance of water, how to use it better and how GOAM could be part of the sustainability legacy in New Zealand.

Extensive research proved that rainwater harvesting was very important, not that well-known and most often not an attractive addition to the garden. More research found the Graf Above Ground Rainwater Harvesting tanks provided truly stylish options and more. Designer Tanks make rainwater harvesting a viable and stylish option for gardens. They offer a wide range of tanks that are ideal for homes, retirement villages and schools, in fact anywhere that appearance and the environment are important.